Wednesday, February 27, 2013
By Michael Nichols
Categories: OWI
An East Lansing man stood before a jury with a breath estimate of .10 and .11 and a claim by a police officer that he ran a stop sign. The lawyer who he hired asked Mike Nichols to co-counsel the case when it became clear that it was going to trial.
Attorney Nichols handled the testimony of the expert witnesses and helped devise the winning strategy. The experts used were Mary McMurray of Blue Mounds, Wisconsin and Ronald Henson of Peoria, Illinois.
Mike Nichols is a leader in forensic evidence and DUI-DUID driving defense cases. He is the author of the Michigan OWI Handbook, adjunct professor of Forensic Science at Thomas M. Cooley Law School, he co-authored the chapter “DUI Mathematics” for West. He is also an associate member of the AAFS Jurisprudence Section, the Michigan delegate to the National College for DUI Defense and is the Secretary and a founding member of the Michigan Association for OWI Attorneys.