Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Personal Injury Attorney

Ms. Schiller-Nichols' practice focuses on litigation in the areas of personal injury including automobile negligence, medical malpractice, wrongful death, dog bite, and products liability.

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Have you been injured in an accident?

Michigan Personal Injury Lawyer

Helping you get the compensation you deserve

An injury takes its toll--not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. It stresses your family and your finances, and can call your whole future into question. At The Nichols Law Firm, PLLC, we understand what injured people face. We will not allow insurance companies--or anyone else--to minimize the impact that an injury has on a person's life. If you or someone you love has been hurt by someone else's carelessness, contact The Nichols Law Firm, PLLC.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

Our attorneys handle a variety of personal injury cases. We have specialized

If you have been injured

See a doctor right away. The sooner you get medical attention, the better off you will be. Your doctor's records are invaluable--they prove that you were indeed hurt.

File a police report. This is especially helpful for people injured in motor vehicle accidents. It is also essential for people assaulted as a result of poor security on premises.

Do not face the insurance companies alone. It is their job to minimize your injuries and pay you as little as possible. If you deal with them on your own, you may not get all the compensation you need.

Concentrate on healing and rebuilding your life. Leave the aggressive, zealous pursuit of compensation to us while you concentrate on getting better. We guide you through your lawsuit step-by-step so that the decisions you make will be decisions that work best for you and your family.

Contact a Michigan personal injury lawyer.

Public Service Announcement: Insurance Companies Still Reaping the Rewards of a Mistake by the Mich

The I-94 Pileup 1 Year Later - Winter Driving at It's Scariest

Winter driving 2016 is now underway. It might be easy to see when roads are slippery from snow like on the date of the I-94 pileup, but other conditions are not so easy to see.

Michigan Auto Accident attorney Wendy Schiller-Nichols says "black ice is even scarier than a blizzard because you just cannot see it." Schiller-Nichols, who has been representing injured people for over 16 years says "make sure that if you are injured that you absolutely refuse to sign anything - especially something presented to you by an insurance company."

Schiller-Nichols has secured millions in damages for her clients and has handled cases worth over a million dollars. She is on the cutting edge of the law, the medicine and the science. She is committed to justice and committed to results. If you or a loved one is injured from an auto accident, call her today at 517.432.9000

See and hear the panic and fright in the initial moments of one of the most horrific accidents in Michigan history:

Survivor’s Loss Claims

Did you know that the Michigan No-Fault Act gives you benefits to you if you are the loved one of a person who was killed in an automobile accident? Automobile accidents causing death are devastating for those left behind. The Michigan No Fault Act requires insurance companies to offer survivor’s loss benefits to the surviving dependents of the fatally injured person. A timely application for benefits must be filed with the decedent’s no fault insurance carrier along with reasonable proof of the expected financial support the dependents expected to receive had the decedent not died. An application is considered timely if it is submitted within one year of the accident causing death.

Replacement services and economic loss benefits are available under section 3108 of the No Fault Act. Dependents are eligible for $20 per day for 3 years from the date of the accident for replacement services. Economic loss is calculated by determining the total contributions of tangible things of economic value the decedent would have provided to surviving dependents.

We are committed to results and protecting your rights in a time of crisis at the Nichols Law Firm, PLLC. We have over 40 years of experience in handling catastrophic automobile accident cases. Trust us to get the maximum value for your survivor’s loss claim. Call the Nichols Law Firm Today!

Latest Personal Injury Blog Articles

Finding the right Law Firm and Lawyer

I had a friend of mine who suffered a serious injury from an automobile accident.  Her husband called me and I met them at the hospital.  When she said to me, “Thank God for friends who are attorneys,” it made me realize that not everyone has a friend who is an attorney and/or knows how to find an attorney should the need arise.

Car accident fatalities and preparing for winter driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motor vehicle traffic fatalities in 2009 shows that an estimated 33,963 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes. 

Understanding the basics of a traumatic brain injury

Why don’t you see much about Traumatic Brain Injury in the media? Traumatic Brain injury is also called the “silent epidemic” because it is often unseen and without physical symptoms as you would see with other types of injuries such as a fracture.

Car crash send four to hospital

A car crash that involved five vehicles resulted in one man in critical condition and sent the other four people to a Lansing hospital.

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Do the Medicines You Take Criminalize Your Driving?

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Personal Injury / Traumatic Brain Injury Experts

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the most frightening and serious forms of injury...

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Criminal Defense

We are skilled, experienced and committed to resuts in both the serious and misdemenor criminal case

Personal Injury

We have successfully represented clients with serious and traumatic injuries

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Peer Recognition

Mike Nichols is a national leader in drunk driving defense. He is a member of the Forensic Committee and Michigan delegate to the National College for DUI Defense. He is also a Sustaining Member of the College. Nichols is also a founding member of the Michigan Association of OWI Attorneys; a member of the American Chemical Society; an associate member of he American Academy of Forensic Science, Adjunct Professor of Forensic Evidence in Criminal Law and OWI Law and Practice at Cooley Law School. He is also author of the West OWI Practice book and several chapters in other books on science and the law.

Mike Nichols is recognized by his peers in Michigan as a “SuperLawyer” in DUI/Criminal Defense. Nichols has also been asked to speak at conferences by groups such as the NCDD; Various Bar Associations in other states.